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Programma It's an Habbo Origins Xmas!

Quale Natale è completo senza un salto in Habbo? Esatto: nessuno. In questa iconica versione di Habbo Hotel si creano e si rivivono ricordi. È il momento migliore dell'anno!

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Cosa succede?
Abbiamo elencato alcune delle cose che accadono in Habbo Hotel: Origins per questo Natale:

- L'intera gamma di pellicce natalizie originali - poster, alberi di Natale, dipinti e, naturalmente, la leggendaria Anatra di Natale - è appena stata pubblicata nel catalogo (vedi sotto).
- Eventi regolari di gioco dal vivo con lo staff e con premi.
- Un concorso di sala con in palio trofei a forma di martello.
- L'aggiunta di un Teatrino a tema natalizio.
- Quattro rarità, quattro uscite del “venerdì di festa”.
- Distintivo natalizio gratuito per tutti! Ulteriori notizie su come raccoglierlo nel corso del mese.

Furni Xmas:
I seguenti furni sono stati appena aggiunti al Catalogo e saranno tutti rimossi il 02/01. Si noti che è probabile che gli articoli tornino nel Catalogo in futuro, poiché non sono considerati rari.

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Poi, per i rari e le uscite del Festive Friday, invece di dirvi esattamente cosa stiamo rilasciando, daremo di nuovo suggerimenti emoji 🔎

Ultima modifica di Mattia il Mar 24 Dic 2024 - 16:02 - modificato 5 volte.

Play Winter Trap Doors with us tomorrow!

It's beginning to look a lot like Xmas 😍

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Join us on Friday for another, seasonal game of Trap Doors with the mighty WOWIN.
  • When: 06/12 at 5pm GMT (9am PST)
  • RoomWinter Trap Doors (search for the room owned by Wowin)

We're redecorating for Xmas

To get everyone right and properly in the seasonal mood, we just redecorated four public rooms, and added the iconic lobby! (AND made it snow 🌨️)

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Check below for the full list:
  • Theatredrome (having some small issues with this, hold tight!)
  • Sun Terrace
  • Rooftop Cafe
  • Cafe Ole
  • Main Lobby (new addition for this Xmas)

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Building competition: DJ-Bling’s Xmas Party!

DJ Bling is throwing the ultimate holiday bash and he's on the lookout for an extraordinary decorator, because he literally doesn’t even know how to use a paintbrush (yep Programma It's an Habbo Origins Xmas! 2852211361).

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📥 How to enter

  • Name your room ‘DJ-Bling 2024’.
  • Take a screenshot or screen recording of your room, making sure to include the FULL room so that the white text showing the room name and owner is visible in the bottom left hand corner.
  • Upload it to a social media platform like X, or an image sharing site like Imgur. It’s vitally important that we (Origins Staff) can view the image without needing to create an account or log into a third party site 👍
  • Put the link and your avatar name in this Google Form between now and 8am GMT (00:00 PST) on 16/12.

📄 Judging

We’ll be judging the competition on your:
  • Ability to stick to the theme. We need you to build an Xmas party room for the legendary DJ-Bling. Creatively incorporating anything relevant to this brief will give you more chances of placing highly. It’s up to you to think of ways to do this 🔨
  • Innovative use of furni. Origins is still a pretty new game with a relatively small number of items available. Use this to your advantage by incorporating furni in innovative ways to make your room stand out from the rest.
  • Technical skill. Stacking furni isn’t required, but it can often really help your room match specific themes.

❗ Further information:

  • Scripting tools are not allowed. If you’re caught using scripting tools, you will be disqualified immediately. You may even be blacklisted in future competitions if you use scripting tools, so DO NOT RISK IT!
  • If you’re worried about people stealing your build ideas, please upload the picture of your room to a file sharing site like Imgur instead of a social media profile. This makes it much harder to discover. Also, staff can enter your room regardless of whether or not it’s visible in the Navigator, or whether it’s locked or not. So keep it locked if you want to keep your ideas to yourself!

🏆 Prizes

  • 1st place: 500 credits, Gold Hammer Trophy
  • 2nd place: 400 credits, Silver Hammer Trophy
  • 3rd place: 300 credits, Bronze Hammer Trophy
  • 4th place: 200 credits
  • 5th place: 100 credits

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The top 10 entries will get a DJ-Bling badge (pictured right, with the hammers).

Play BOOM with staff this Friday!

We're hosting a new team game this week: BOOM. The goal of BOOM is for the two teams to compete to achieve the highest score using their dice 📊

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When the gift is on your team's roller, you must roll your dice. (E.g. blue team rolls while the gift is on the blue rollers to the left, grey team rolls when it's on the grey ones to the right). Players are only allowed to roll the dice only when the red gift is on the rollers in front of them.
You must roll your dice again when the red gift moves round the circle of rollers and gets to your team's rollers. A team scores one point when their combined dice score is highest out of the two teams'.
The first team to score 3 points on the scoreboard wins!
BIG shout out to iMarkz who suggested this game!


  • Don't closing your dice mid-game, as the dice numbers must be visible to understand which team won.
  • You may only re-roll while the red gift is on your team's rollers.

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Game 1:

Game 2:

Prizes will be on offer!

Re: Programma It's an Habbo Origins Xmas!

Programma It's an Habbo Origins Xmas! 200.gif?cid=c962e647mcgmxb3haucwtmy1xhbg48bks9fnz2eilk1cjnbc&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200

Enter The Grotto!

Macklebee, aka Dave, has opened a special Xmas room – named "The Grotto" – that contains two different bots: one that you can give gifts to, and another one that gives you gifts.

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The distribution bots – Noel Rafi, Toni, Beto, Luca, and Dan – give players stuff from a big item pool for free via the trade window. The item pool these bots draw from is stocked with a selection of special items that we’ve given them 👀 
It also contains items the community has gifted to the the two present collectors in The Grotto: Elf Nico and Elf Max. (See below for more information about these two bots.)
All you have to do is open a trade with the distribution bots in Dave’s room and accept the trade to get a free item.
To make things fairer, and to prevent Habbos unfairly farming the rewards, you’ll only be able to get an item from these bots if:
  1. You haven’t traded with the bot within the past few hours
  2. You are a HC member

IMPORTANT: none of the special items obtained from the distribution bots are event-exclusive, or considered rare.

🫴 The GIFT Collectors

Now for the giving part.
Everything you give to Elf Nico and Elf Max via the trade window will be placed into an item pool. It’s from this item pool that the distribution bots will be picking items to distribute.
We’ve also added lots of items – some of them very special – to this pool ourselves 😉

📅 Trade with the bots while you can!

We haven’t confirmed internally when we’ll close Dave’s room, so if you want to get involved in this mini event make sure to do so ASAP!

Pixel Art comp: Rasta Santa’s infinite snow mode

For almost his entire life, Rasta Santa has waited for snow to fall on his island at Xmas. Needless to say, it’s never happened (it’s too hot and humid where he lives).

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However, he’s just found a way to generate infinite amounts of snow… and it’s your job to draw a picture of how he does it 🧑‍🎨

📃 Rules of the competition

  • Draw Rasta Santa in a scenario where he has just discovered how to make infinite pixel snow in Habbo Hotel: Origins.
  • This is an individual competition. 
  • This is a Habbo pixel art competition. Your entry must have a Habbo aesthetic, and it must be done digitally.
  • You cannot use AI. Any entry suspected to include AI of any sort will be disqualified immediately.
  • You can use existing Habbo imagery in your drawing, for example room screenshots as backgrounds, or the Rasta Santa avatar. However, please bear in mind that entries that are made fully or mostly from existing imagery will likely not be as highly ranked. We’re marking entries on originality, creativity, and artistic talent, not the ability to rearrange existing assets.
  • To prove you have done the drawing, it’s highly recommended, although not required, that you record your screen while you do the drawing, or take “work in progress” screenshots and include them in your finalised, uploaded submission.
  • Another way to prove you have done the drawing is to incorporate your avatar’s name into the drawing in some way artistically, in a way that would be impossible if you had not done the drawing yourself. Again, this is recommended but not required.
  • Only one participation is allowed per avatar.

📊 Judging

We’ll be judging entries on:
  1. Creativity and approach to storytelling. An image is worth a thousand words, and this competition is no different!
  2. How funny Rasta Santa’s snow generation method is. If you can make us laugh with his method, you’re onto a winner.
  3. Quality of the pixel art. Of course, technical, artistic skill matters too.

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✉ How to submit

Upload it to a social media platform like X, or an image sharing site like Imgur. It’s vitally important that we (Origins Staff) can view the image without needing to create an account or log into a third party site 👍
Put the link and your avatar name in this Google Form between now and 8am GMT (00:00 PST) on 25/12.

🏆 Prizes:

  • 1st: Typewriter, 500 credits
  • 2nd: Typewriter, 400 credits
  • 3rd: Typewriter, 300 credits
  • 4th: Typewriter, 200 credits
  • 5th: Typewriter, 100 credits

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The top 10 entries will get a Rasta Santa badge (pictured right, with a Typewriter).

Re: Programma It's an Habbo Origins Xmas!

Ciao, community di Origins! Speriamo che abbiate trascorso un periodo festivo sereno e che abbiate trovato il tempo per giocare un po’ a Origins.

Vogliamo affrontare i feedback che abbiamo ricevuto da molti di voi riguardo alla competizione di pixel art Rasta Santa. Ci sono state molte frustrazioni nel nostro Discord sul fatto che i giocatori che hanno riutilizzato asset nei loro lavori si siano comunque classificati tra i primi 10 in ogni hotel, a volte persino tra i primi 3, nonostante avessimo chiarito nell’articolo originale che questo tipo di lavori avrebbe avuto un punteggio inferiore.

Desideriamo iniziare fornendovi alcune informazioni di base su ciò che è accaduto.

Perché è successo
A causa della sovrapposizione delle assenze del nostro staff, un membro del team ha scritto l’articolo, mentre un altro ha giudicato la competizione al suo ritorno al lavoro. Il giudice ha ritenuto che la regola sul punteggio inferiore per i lavori che riutilizzavano asset fosse ingiusta, poiché c’erano molte opere che, pur riutilizzando asset, erano comunque molto creative.

Nessuna rivalutazione della competizione
Abbiamo deciso di non rivalutare la competizione di pixel art Rasta Santa né di distribuire ulteriori premi. Riteniamo che fare ciò stabilirebbe un precedente per le competizioni future, in cui i giocatori potrebbero non essere soddisfatti dei risultati.

Ci rendiamo conto che questa decisione potrebbe non essere gradita ad alcuni di voi. Ce ne dispiace, e riconosciamo che l’errore è stato nostro. Vi chiediamo di comprendere e di avere fiducia nel fatto che la prossima volta faremo meglio.

Punti d’azione
Per garantire il successo di TUTTE le competizioni future, incluse quelle di pixel art, vogliamo stabilire alcuni impegni per il futuro:
La persona o le persone che organizzano le competizioni le giudicheranno anche.
Per i regolamenti e gli obiettivi delle competizioni, ove possibile, forniremo quante più informazioni dettagliate possibile per garantire che tutti sappiano cosa è richiesto. A parte la regola sul riutilizzo degli asset nella competizione Rasta Santa, riteniamo che i regolamenti forniti di recente siano abbastanza dettagliati. Tuttavia, vogliamo evitare di essere troppo prescrittivi, per evitare che tutte le opere risultino identiche. In alcuni casi, accettiamo che maggiori dettagli possano avere senso; ad esempio, fornire esempi visivi di ciò che cerchiamo o ampie descrizioni testuali.
Gli articoli sui vincitori delle competizioni includeranno maggiori dettagli, oltre a un semplice elenco di nomi. Per esempio, potranno includere una spiegazione generale delle nostre scelte, un riconoscimento delle opere che erano buone ma che non sono rientrate nella fascia alta, e, in alcuni casi, spiegazioni più approfondite delle nostre decisioni.

Grazie per la vostra comprensione e per continuare a sostenere la nostra community! Programma It's an Habbo Origins Xmas! 3638977106
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